Sunday, December 9, 2012

26 weeks update

It has been 5 weeks since our last visit to the doctor, and a lot happened in those 5 weeks. My dad came to visit, and spent a week with us. We got to go to a Brandi Carlile concert, and two Red Hot Chili Pepper concerts.

We had a mini Babymoon in Vancouver B.C., where we went to see the RHCP for the second time. It was an awesome trip, beautiful city, great sites, and I finally broke it down and bought some maternity pants at H&M. I have to say, most of the maternity lines are down-right ugly, and H&M is a refreshing exception, with cute clothes, including maternity skinny jeans for affordable prices. I also love the pieces by GAP and Target.

We also celebrate Thanksgiving, and got a few baby purchases done: we got the crib mattress ( foam, after reading many of the reviews that called for a firm, firm mattress to avoid the risk of SIDS) and breathable crib bumpers, for the same reason. There is so much controversy around crib bumpers, someone could really write an entire book on it.

I am feeling fine- and yes, still teaching Zumba. I am now wearing a Medela maternity belt, in order to help the baby bump stay in place while I teach the class. I got some encouraging words from other Zumba instructors who taught all the way until they were 8 months, 9 months along, so I will keep doing it until the doctor directs me otherwise.

Speaking of which, she has been amazing, Dr. Renard. I experience my first urine leak ( yes, I peed in my pants a little) right after Thanksgiving, when baby Rodick decided to kick my blather, and she was so helpful when I called her. Baby is moving a lot, I feel his/her movements mostly at night, after eating dinner, and when I am watching TV. Someone told me that motion puts the baby to sleep, so they don't kick as much then, but that sitting still awakes them up.

I have gained 20 lbs overall, and I am now 26 weeks, with 14 weeks to go. She measured my uterus this last visit, and it measured at 25 inches, which is in line with the expected, which is one inch per week. I am still in pregnancy bliss, although I did experience heartburn last week, and that was painful. I have the hunger pains every once in a while, so I am doing a better job at packing healthy snacks with me at all times.

We go for our next visit the first week of January. At that same time, we will be going to our birthing class. I am super excited for both.

Below are some pictures from the baby bump, the nursery, and hopefully the audio note from the last visit, when you can hear the heart rate at a healthy 127.

Love you,
The Rodicks

Monday, November 5, 2012

Big Day: 21 weeks ultrasound

We are so excited, today was a BIG day in the Rodick household. We had our 21 weeks appointment, and everything is just going so great :)

I managed to record the heart rate, as I promised, and also the doctor took lots and lots of pictures of baby Rodick. The little peanut weighs 15 oz, and was just moving so much, so playful, moving hands, fingers close to the face and we could see two perfect little feet, so precious :)

I have gained 8 lbs since my last doctor appointment, and I am right on the mark for everything else. I have started wearing the Bella Band, bellyband for my pants, as they are snug these days and almost to the point of being uncomfortable.

I am having crazy, vivid dreams, but I guess that it is part of the journey as well. I am just happy to be able to sleep through the night.

Little peanut moved so much today during the appointment, and I can feel the baby's movement every once in a while. I don't know if I will feel much more, because the dr. said I have a placenta placed in the front of the uterus, which is like having a pillow that the baby can kick into and I won't feel as much :)

Enjoy the pictures and videos,
much love from the Rodicks ( all four of us :))

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Pictures and more pictures

Happy Sunday! I have to become better at this posting thing, but nonetheless, I wanted to post some pictures so you can see the belly progress.

This is such a joyous time, and we're really loving this experience. I am getting super spoiled- I have gotten no morning sickness whatsoever ( I know, lucky), no really weird food cravings and just a bit of tiredness every now and then, mostly at night.

I am not drinking any caffeine, so sometimes dealing with the tiredness can be tricky, but I am better used to it by now. I haven't really had to buy any maternity clothes yet, but my pants are fitting a lot tighter these days.

On our last visit to the doctor ( picture below), we were able to listen to the baby's heart beat, and I gained a healthy 4.5 lbs. I am holding an avocado because that's roughly the size of baby Rodick by now :)

Since then, we got a changing table as a gift from a friend who didn't need it anymore ( thank you Aunie Lena), and we got our crib and a few items for the nursery decor. Our theme will be beach, so lots of starfishes, sea shells and the like, for a neutral theme.

On Friday, we celebrated 18 weeks (picture below), and bebe Rodick is the size of a bell pepper.

I wore this outfit for work with a cardigan, and think people can see it better. Again, still fitting on regular jeans, but not sure for how much longer :)

Our next appointment is on Nov.5, and I will post pictures and updates here. There are so many incredible memories as the days go on, we feel really blessed.

In the meantime, please enjoy this beautiful picture of Bryan having a great time putting the crib together. I will post a picture of the crib on the next post.

Love you all,
Have an amazing week,
Bryan, Thais and Bebe Rodick

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Welcome to our adventure/ Bem-vindos a nossa nova aventura

Bryan and I are expecting and we couldn't be happier! we want to share this amazing experience with family and friends, and since so many of you live so far away ( Oi Mainha!! Oi Painho! Oi Branquinha!) I wanted to create a blog to share these amazing days of happiness we have been experiencing.

I will start posting pictures and the little things we go through as we enjoy this amazing period in our lives!

Cheers to baby Rodick/ bebe Rodick, who is on its very very merry way :)

Love/ Amo voces,