Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter!

What a weekend! Allie got to meet grandma Tina and the weather has been amazing. Currently 72 degrees and sunny. We are cooking up a smoked brisket for dinner, should be good!

Allie enjoyed her Easter dress (when she was awake that is).

A few pictures with mom and dad.

Grandma Tina is here!!

Happy Easter!  We are celebrating with Allie and Grandma Tina in town!! The two of them have been inseparable for the past day, and Grandma really knows how to calm a tumbling little stomach. Allie was having some gas/ digestive issues yesterday, and Grandma Tina has the magic touch :)

Bryan and Grandma Tina are cooking some brisket for Easter, and we're going to have some crepes for breakfast this morning.

Look how cute Allie girl looked yesterday with Grandma ;))

Grandma brought a whole bunch of cute outfits for Allie gal. She also brought Bryan's baby books, and I must post one of his newborn pictures, Allie definitely has his eyes :))

Much love to you all,
Another post coming later today in her little Easter dress,

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Allie's two weeks old :))

Good evening! Sorry it has been so while we made a post to the blog, Allie gal has been keeping the two of us super busy :))

Hard to believe she is two weeks old already- she is just growing so fast :) We went to the doctor today again for her second week appointment, and she is doing great. She is now weighing 7 lbs 11.5 oz- she gained a full pound in the last week- and she is in the 50% percentile for her weight and height.

She is doing this thing now that she gets both of her arms up by her face, and sometimes just the left arm comes up by her face. Both Bryan and I have worked on our swaddling technique, but she still manages to get that arm free and up by her face. Scoreboard: Allie 40 x Mom & Dad 2

We have had a great week so far. On Monday, she was nursing non-stop for a few consecutive hours, but I guess that is normal for this time. I was worried I didn't have enough milk, but I went to a breastfeeding mom's group on Tuesday morning, and they reassured me this was normal. It is great to see her gaining some weight and healthy. This was also a good opportunity for me to meet new moms and connect, so I am going to try to make it to their Tuesday morning meetings.

Here is the outfit that Allie wore to the doctor appointment today :) she was a little crabby ;)

We are looking forward to having Grandma Tina come visit us this Friday. We are also getting super spoiled with the many sports outfits we got from Auntie Tammi, and the blanket from Auntie Linda, so beautifully made for this little girl ;)

On Saturday, we had such a great time with the photographer for her newborn pictures. She did really good, and it was a long photo shoot, close to 3 hours, but she did really good. We're expecting pictures by the end of the week hopefully. Please see below for a little sneaky preview of what's to come :)

I am finally getting into somewhat of a routine, of waking up every two hours, but also doing a better job of taking naps during the day, so hopefully we will be posting more frequently.

Love you all,
Have a great rest of the week,

PS: we will make sure to post some pictures of Allie in her Easter Dress, with Grandma and Daddy :)

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Allie is one week old :))

Hi! Another Mama Rodick update. This one should be a bit more coherent, as I am finally getting used to waking up every 2-3 hours to feed Allie, and learning how to sleep when she is asleep. It is a hard thing to do, especially during the day, but I have been so tired that I managed to fall asleep in the middle of the afternoon.

Yesterday night we looked back a week ago, when Allie was born. We celebrated with some apple cider, and the wonderfully prepared frozen lasagna that the hospital sent home with us. It is still very emotional for me to think of the time she was born, and life is so different, more meaningful and wholesome now that she is with us. Words cannot describe it.

So, in the spirit of celebrating "firsts", below is a picture of Daddy giving Allie her first bath. Notice the super cute bath towel, a wonderful gift from Auntie Michelle.

Allie also played in the play gym/mat today. She can raise her arms and follow us around with her eyes, so it is fun to put her on her back in this mat, another great gift from Grandma Tina.

And last, but not least, a very cute picture I took of her sleeping the other day. This was not staged, she put both her arms up like that. To me, it looks as if she is saying "Ah, just chilling here mama".

Bryan is home today and tomorrow, so Allie has had quite a bit of quality dad time. Mama got a haircut today- after 9 months of avoiding the salon due to the harsh chemical smells- and looks brand new :))

Love you all very much,
Have a great rest of the week and weekend,

PS: On Saturday, we have Allie's newborn photo session :)))

Monday, March 18, 2013

Mama update- First visit to the pediatrician

Today was another big day for Allie Marie and the Rodicks, as we took our little girl to her first pediatrician appointment. Happy to report that she is back to her birth weight- all newborns lose up to 10% of their initial weight in their first week, and take up to two weeks to regain it, but this little girl is right back to her original weight :)

She is pooping and peeing regularly, all the right colors. We were waking her up to feed her every two hours, and the doctor said we could ease that back to every three hours, since the milk fairy has come in. I did a better job of sleeping when she was sleeping last night, so I am going to try to repeat it tonight.

We also saw the lactation nurse, and she gave Allie and I a thumbs up. She tends to fall asleep when she is nursing, so the nurse gave us a few tips on how to keep her up and not "milk-drunk".

We had wonderful visitors tonight as well, and they all agreed she is a cutie. We got some dresses as gifts as well, her first ones since all we had so far was unisex onesies :)

Tomorrow, Daddy goes back to work and I have another visit with the lactation nurse in Silverton.

Those two pictures were taken at the doctor's office. You can really see her gorgeous eyes on these pictures, she took after Daddy for sure.

We will keep the updates coming,
Love you all very much

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Second post from tired Mama

Hi! Second post from mama Rodick. Today was a long, great day, and baby Allie has been eaten a lot of milk :) I have been feeding her every two hours, so we know she has been getting well-fed. Her poop transitioned to the correct color ( I know, we have become those people discussing our girl's bowel movements) and she has been peeing a lot- including on daddy's- so we know she is doing well. Hopefully no signs of jaundice for her.

We had several visitors today, including Auntie Kelly, who brought this pacifier. Auntie Kelly and I saw this at a store a few weeks ago, and I asked her that if we had a girl, she please buy this pacifier for Daddy. It couldn't be more true.

Bryan has been the main one in charge of changing diapers- and Allie must know, because twice now she has timed her pee at the right time- yes, you guessed it, peeing on Daddy.

I was able to pump some milk today for a potential later user. You never know when we may need to give her a bottle of breast milk ( if this post has too much information, please let me know. My filter is a bit off with the lack of sleep). 

Tomorrow we got visit the Pediatrician for the first time. I am sure we will have lots of questions, but super excited to get to weigh her in again and hopefully see that she has gained some weight.

Love you all,
Have a great week,

Happy St Patty's Day from Allie

She is more active everyday. Last night we put her in the swing and she loved it. Nice having her up a little more.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Little Allie Hiccups (Video)

Trying some video for the first time so let me know if it works.

She's had quite an appetite and always has funny.

Mama's first post since the hospital

Hello! Here is Mama Rodick writing her first post since right before Allie was born :) It has been a great day today, but very very exhausting. Last night we got up every two hours to feed Allie, and she is doing great with breastfeeding, but it is very demanding.

we're keeping track of her feedings and bowel movements and wet diapers, so that we can report on Monday, when we go visit her pediatrician.

I probably won't be blogging much for the next couple of days, as they really tell you to try to sleep when baby is asleep, and that is what I am going to try to do.

All is well post-partum, taking a few Ibuprofen during the day, but that's about it.

Love you all very much,

Another picture from hospital....

Thais and I were just going through the pictures I took on the camera at the hospital and saw this one we hadn't posted before.

First full day at home

Allie seems to be the most active around 9-10am. She really opens her eyes and takes a look around! She's been eating and sleeping very well.

Thais has of course been very busy but will try and blog later today.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Home Sweet Home

We are all home and pretty tired. Allie and Thais are fast asleep catching up on some well deserved rest. We are planning on having a relaxing weekend and enjoying Allie's company.

I will probably work 2 out of 5 days next week and Thais is off for the next 4-5 months. She is really looking forward to this special time.

Allie seems comfortable here at Casa Rodick---

First outfit

First outfit of I'm sure many to come  8-)

Heading home from hospital now.

Eyes Open

She's been opening her eyes a little more each hour. Eyes are pretty light in color....but we're told its that way for all babies.

She's very content today. Getting ready for a few pictures before heading home in 2-3 hours.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Smiling Baby - Comments Now Open to Everyone

After some off an on naps, Allie decided to break out a couple of smiles for us.

Also - for comments. Until now you had to be signed in to your google account to post comments, but it should be open to everyone now.....could someone give it a shot and see if it works? This seems like the best way to post pictures of Allie and I think we'll keep doing this in the future.

Sleepy family

Allie represents how we all feel after the events of the last 24 hours. We're taking it easy and resting.

Should be home tomorrow with her, will send some updates then. Now it's zzzzzzz like Allie.

Baby fart

We had a good chuckle today when Allie let a big one go. Pound for pound it was just amazing.

We have both changed our first diaper and are figuring out the swaddle technique.

Food at the hospital is pretty impressive. Feels more like a hotel than a hospital....easy to see why its so highly rated.

The place is looking a little more colorful after some deliveries from Aunt Michelle and Grandma Tina.

Baby is still eating and sleeping a lot. Very content to be out of the womb.

Everyone doing great today

After an action packed Wednesday, we are all relaxing today after a good nights sleep. Allie woke up a few times to feed, but for the most part slept soundly. She has cried for a total of maybe a minute so far. The doctor here at the hospital gave her a checkup and everything is great. We are planning on going home tomorrow morning.

A few months ago we went to the beach at Pacific City and took the following photo. We have printed and framed a big picture of this to go in the nursery. Can't ask for better scenery.

Meet Allie Marie Rodick

Well what a day that was! We still can't believe we are going to sleep with a new addition to the family. Thais left work at 1pm and literally got her epideral shot around 5-6pm.

Everything went so smoothly it's almost surprising. The staff at the hospital were great and Thais was comfortable almost the whole time. What a whirlwind of a day.

We missed all of you, but are glad we were able to give updates with the blog.

Allie Marie Rodick was born at 9:52 on Wednesday, March 13th in Silverton, OR. She weighs 6lb and 12oz and is 20 inches long. She has a little bit of dark hair to go with her dark eyes.

Ok, now what everybody really wants.....BABY PICTURES. We will use this site to post pictures of Allie for.....well, maybe forever! These are a few we took tonight. Many more to come.

It's been a long day so we are all going to try and get a little sleep.


Tired gal in the baby warmer.

First hot tub experience - You know she's a Rodick because she loved it!

A big stretch after all that time in the womb!

And finally, one of Allie during her first rocking with daddy.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

And the girl has a name.....

Allie Marie Rodick

Born 9:50 March 13, 2013.  Silverton, OR. 

Don't know weight yet.

It's a girl!

Mama and baby doing well.

Everything ok, but no baby yet

In the final stages.

Still looking good. Up to bebe Rodick now 8-)

Nurse says everything looks great. No surprise as bebe Rodick has been so well behaved these last 9 months!

No reason to rush it so we'll just let bebe Rodick pop out when 'its' ready. Only one more hour and we can say he or she finally! lol.

Looking like it will be somewhere in the 9:00-9:30 time frame....a late night out east and in Brazil!


The final stretch

Thais is fully dialated and the nurse has felt the head. Everything is looking great for mama and bebe Rodick.

Nurse thinks baby will be born around 9pm Pacific time. I think we're going to get the doctor back in here soon and do the final push!

Will try to give any updates before that.....but the next update might be the "big update."


Waiting for bebe Rodick

Thais is still comfortable and doing very well.

We've had a shift change and have a new nurse. Our doctor has come to check in, but went home to eat dinner with her family here in Silverton .She'll be back in a little while.

This nurse thinks it's "definitely" coming today. Still hard to believe how fast today has moved! She is going to check Thais around 7:30 and I think things may move very quickly after that.

Here is a pic of our room.

Moving right along

Thais is already at 8cm, so things seem to be moving pretty quickly. Vegas odds have bebe Rodick as a March 13th delivery, but we'll see!

She is very comfortable after taking the medicine.


We are in our room

We are in our room and settled. Thais has gotten her pain medication and is feeling much better.

The anesthesiologist is a Jayhawk  8-)

More to come


We're staying

Thais is at 4-5 cm already (only an hour has passed) so we're definitely staying. Going to move rooms here now.

Thais wants to say she loves everybody  8-)


Still waiting to see if we stay or not

Thais loving the ball they gave her to sit on!

At the Hospital

Hello! We aren't sure if we will be staying 100%, but it's looking that way. We are at the Silverton Hospital getting things checked out. Thais is at 3cm and has been having contractions for a while. They are going to check her in about an hour and make the call if we stay or not. Looking like we'll stay.

We have wi-fi at the hospital, so should be able to blog with no problem.

If you all can leave posts and let us know you've seen this that would be great!

Love Bryan and Thais

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Another quiet night at The Rodicks

Good evening! Baby Rodick is still comfortably snug in the womb. The little peanut is moving a lot, especially when I eat sweets ( Thanks Daddy for the carrot cakes) but no signs of labor yet.

I feel like the baby may have dropped just a little bit more, as I feel a bit more pressure around my pelvis area, but being a first time mama, it may just be all in my head.

Took big brother Lance for a walk today, we had a nice dinner and watched some Trail Blazer games.

I was somewhat hoping Baby would come tomorrow, as some of you know 13 is my lucky number, but I am not so sure it will happen.

Here is a funny picture from our maternity session :)

As Daddy mentioned, if I don't have baby by Friday, I will be staying home next week, hanging up my cleats for the season :) (Aposentando as chuteiras por enquanto).

Got some Dr. Seuss books as a gift today, super cute, excited to read them for baby Rodick soon.

We will post another update tomorrow.

Love you all,
The Rodicks

Monday, March 11, 2013

Quiet night at Rodick casa

Bebe Rodick was doing a little kicking, but that's about it tonight.

Thais will stop working on Friday, which will be relaxing for her we hope. She does have a doctor appt on Friday, so we may find out more then if nothing happens sooner.

All for now,


Sunday, March 10, 2013

Hurry up and wait 8-) (daddy Rodick)

Hi all,

We have decided to post on this blog each day until baby Rodick decides to escape the womb. I think the waiting at the end is the hardest part....he/she could pop out at anytime.

We went to the doctor last Friday and everything looked good. They did an ultra sound  and bebe Rodick was comfy in its little house.

The due date is officially this Friday, March 15th but of course it all depends on what due date bebe Rodick has in mind.

We will do our best to let everyone know when things start happening, but of course it will be a crazy time. Please check the blog this week for all the latest on bebe Rodick!

- Daddy Rodick

Saturday, March 2, 2013

38 weeks, 4 showers and one spoiled baby

Happy Saturday! This will be a very big post because we have not posted for a long time, and we had so much going on during the past four weeks :) We had a baby shower on February 9, and had lots of friends come over for that one. I am thinking that by now you have seen most of the pictures on FB, but if not, I will post them in here as well.

Then, the following weekend, Bryan and I spent the weekend in Portland, celebrating Valentine's Day. It is the last one that we will celebrate as a couple only, so we had an amazing time. It was also during this weekend that we did our maternity photo shoot.

Melissa Appleton did an amazing job, here are some of the pictures from our session:

The following weekend, as some of you know, we had our wonderful Google+ baby shower, organized by Auntie Michelle. Michelle did an amazing job coordinating everyone's schedule and making sure that everyone knew how to use the web cam and microphone, which was not small feature. Even we got so excited with some of the gifts we got that we tripped over the modem and lost our Internet connection. We had virtual cupcakes, and balloons, and got the most amazing blanket from Grandma Tina- she has been a very busy Grandma :) It is amazing what technology can help us accomplish these days!

On Wednesday, we had our last shower, from my co-workers. It has been a very big blessing, because we can feel the love of those around us and those who are far, but still able to send much love during this special time in our lives. I think the pictures are so powerful because they capture how happy we are and how excited we are to meet this new little bundle of joy.

Baby Rodick has been moving a lot lately, waking mom up at least twice per night, but I relish these moments so much. I am never gonna have Baby Rodick this close to me again, so what if I have to be a little sleepy during the day? :)

I am going to see the doctor every week now, and she thinks I am going to go the full 40 weeks, which is great because it means a healthier baby. I have gained 38 pounds, and I am measuring 36 cm.

I thought I would share one of the games we played on the first baby shower, so that you can laugh with us. For the record, I got three questions right.... This is the game where my friend Kelly asked a lot of questions from Bryan, and I had to guess his answers. Below are the questions and answers:

1. How many diapers does a baby need each day? Thais: 10. Bryan: 5

2. How many diapers do you plan to change each day? Thais: 6. Bryan: 2

3. How many hours does a baby sleep each day? Thais: 3. Bryan: 16 ( dream on, Daddy :))

4. At what age does a baby start sleeping through the night? Thais: 6 months. Bryan: hopefully immediately, but I will say 3 mos.

5. At what age does a baby start eating solid food? Thais: 6 mos. Bryan: 6 mos. ( I got this one right!)

6. Do you think your baby will be born with a lot of hair? Thais: yes. Bryan: yes, a big dark head of hair ( I got this one right as well).

7. Who will be the firm parent, and who will be the pushover? Thais: I will be the firm parent. Bryan: Disciple from Dad. Lance is proof :)

8. How many languages will baby speak at age 8? Thais: 2. Bryan: 2. ( Got this one right as well).

That's it for now :) Our hospital bag is packed, we have all the items ready in the nursery, just waiting for Baby Rodick to come into this beautiful world and change our lives forever.

Love you very much,
The Rodicks